

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


"Pain. You just have to fight through. Because the truth is, you can’t outrun it. And life always makes more."

Chronic illness does not end.  It does not get easier; but you mature and you strengthen and you learn how to cope with the never ending uphill battle. Pain, no matter what form it comes in, whether it be mental or physical, is stronger than all of us. It will knock us on our butts EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. What I have learned is that if you let pain overpower you, if you succumb to it, it becomes easier to ride out. Make no mistake, all pain ends, but it is ALWAYS coming back. In another form or another time, you will come face to face with this monster again.  The thing is though, everyone can live with pain, and most people are.

  It seems to me that a common misconception, at least among my community, is that the more pain a person lives with, the stronger they are.  This is simply untrue.  I have had so much pain in my life, but that is not what makes me strong. I am not strong because I don't give up. I am not strong because I fight with a smile on my face. I am not strong because I get up and live despite my overwhelming pain. I am not strong. God is strong. His strength flows through me. His strength and love powers my every move. His grace is sufficient for me and it is for us all. We have to learn how to accept it and show the pain of this life that the strength of our God is unbeatable.

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